Narrative Theories
Vladimir Propp
Vladimir Propp was a Russian critic and a literary theorist that enjoyed what he did. Focusing on the fairy tale side of literature. He analysed over 100 fairy tales int he early 1920's, and was renowned for his research. Vladimir founded the idea that a certain type of character and be found, and used in mostly everything. To this day, his theories have inspired many from writers to film makers.
The theory goes as follows, Propp suggested that every media (fairy tales) have a set of specific characters. There characters hold a specific role and trate that make them who they are. here is the list of the characters:
- The villain- The villain, usually, fight the hero in the story and wishes to win. Usually considered evil.
- The dispatcher- Usually standing as a tyrant, the dispatcher is makes the evil known and sends the hero off. Can be considered evil and/ or good.
- The (magical) helper- usually the helper is the person that supports and helps the hero throughout the media text it is being presented through.
- The princess/ prize- the hero usually, is aiming toward achieving and when them. Usually, fighting throughout the story to win them. By doing so, they have defeated the villain and the story usually end in a happy ever after.
- Her father- usually as the quest giver, the role is summed up in the following. The identify the false hero (villain), gives the hero the task and then marries them at the end.
- The donor- stands as sort of the person who gives the hero what it is necessary to succeed in his journey.
- The hero or victim/seeker hero- usually reacts to the donor and proceeds to marry the princess.
- False hero- takes the credit for the heroes action and attempts to marry the princess.
Fairy Liquid Advert 2015
This theory can be applied to the fairly liquid advert in 2015. The way in which i look t this and view it, I determine that the advert displays all the trates and characters that reside in the list above. Not all characters are obvious and some are not involved. The role of the villain, is seen in the calendar. The wait is something that the child has to overcome for the advert to have a resolve.
Tzvetan Todorov
A example of this would be Batman the dark night, at the beginning the batman demonstrates the equilibrium by going about his daily life. He continues to what he does daily until the disruption is involved which is presented by joker. The disruption effects the city causing up roars and confusion as to what and how is he doing it.
This is when the realisation comes into play as the characters have the realisation of what has happened and what will be indeed to do with it. This is present when the explosion happens and batman loses his love. This is when the realisation is ending as batman defeats joker and the new restoration beginning.
Tzvetan was renounced for being a franco-bulgaria philospher, He lived in France since the early 1960's and wrote several books about different theories and there application. He published a total 21 books spanning his life so far. His theories and historical interests have focused on issues such as issues like the Americans and the Nazis and Stalinist.
The first part of the story will display a happy start usually consisting of a peaceful surrounding idealistic beginning of the story. Usually showing everyone enjoying life until the villain arrives to ruin this.
The first part of the story will display a happy start usually consisting of a peaceful surrounding idealistic beginning of the story. Usually showing everyone enjoying life until the villain arrives to ruin this.
The next part in the situation is the disruption where the problem occurs. The problem seems to effect the happiness and the peaceful living that the characters are currently in. This applies to a range of different medias as the disruption can come in a rand of different shapes or forms.
The next part in the situation is the disruption where the problem occurs. The problem seems to effect the happiness and the peaceful living that the characters are currently in. This applies to a range of different medias as the disruption can come in a rand of different shapes or forms.
At this point, everyone in the media realises that the problem and chaos insures and causes a lot of havoc and up roar. The realisation can have a different effect on the overall plot of the media/ story.
At this point, everyone in the media realises that the problem and chaos insures and causes a lot of havoc and up roar. The realisation can have a different effect on the overall plot of the media/ story.
At this stage, the restoration/ restored order is the point in which the tide changes and restoration is restored and the calm begins again. Usually taking place after the final battle or conflict which resolves all issues.
At this stage, the restoration/ restored order is the point in which the tide changes and restoration is restored and the calm begins again. Usually taking place after the final battle or conflict which resolves all issues.
A example of this would be Batman the dark night, at the beginning the batman demonstrates the equilibrium by going about his daily life. He continues to what he does daily until the disruption is involved which is presented by joker. The disruption effects the city causing up roars and confusion as to what and how is he doing it.
Levi Strauss
Levi was a french anthropologist who lived in the early 1900's. His theory talk about the way in which we react to certain words depending on the context. The theory talks about binary opposites. Usually the binary opposites depends on the context in which the word is used. For example, the word evil, is a direct opposite of the word hero but that is only present int he situation it is placed. So in some context the word evil will not have the opposing word good.
A example of this would be in the fairy liquid advert in the 1960s. The theory stands as a ways of viewing the binary opposites in adverts and other media. So, when reviewing the advert we automatically assume the characters are mother and daughter.
The opposites to this would be that the mother could be evil and or not related in anyway shape or form. If she was holding a knife or anything else, we would assume that the girl isn't related to her.
Levi was a french anthropologist who lived in the early 1900's. His theory talk about the way in which we react to certain words depending on the context. The theory talks about binary opposites. Usually the binary opposites depends on the context in which the word is used. For example, the word evil, is a direct opposite of the word hero but that is only present int he situation it is placed. So in some context the word evil will not have the opposing word good.
The opposites to this would be that the mother could be evil and or not related in anyway shape or form. If she was holding a knife or anything else, we would assume that the girl isn't related to her.
Roland Barthes.
Roland Barthes suggests that there is 5 codes that apply to a range of media in a different ways. he described the media texts as closed or either open. Here are the 5 codes:-
Roland Barthes suggests that there is 5 codes that apply to a range of media in a different ways. he described the media texts as closed or either open. Here are the 5 codes:-
- Heremeneutic/ Enigma code- refers to a mystery hidden within the text clues can be dropped but are never completely exposed. Usually existing in the enigmas to make the audience want to find out ore about what has happened or what will happen.
- Proairetic/Action code- this code contains action confiding with the text or other sequential elements of other text.
- Semantic code- usually this code refers to the parts of the text that are additional including different meanings. Different codes are called Semes. This codes aims to layer different meanings.
- Symbolic code- This code itself focuses on symbolism and making reference to different symbolic imagery. Usually used to create a further meaning and more imagery for the audience viewing it.
- Referential code- the code usually relates to anything that anything that stands as a external body of knowledge or science.
When relating to the fairy liquid advert or better fairy liquid as a company have built upon there own codes and developed them and build on them. They have taken previous codes and refer to them now building up and adding more to them. Not only does the theory apply to the Fairy liquid advert, it apply to a lot other advert that use subliminal messages through product